60 Seconds Full Version

Applying Learning Theories to Online Instructional Design. By Peter J. Patsula,Sookmyung Womens University, Seoul. Introduction. The following tutorial consists of five learning modules. Each module describes a. Each module features. This tutorial has been designed for MDDE 6. Masters of. Distance Education program at Athabasca University. System Requirements. This tutorial is best viewed on a SVGA screen 8. Netscape. Communicator 4. Internet Explorer 4. Real. Player. G2 software and a sound card is also recommended. DVauYO_hvRY/hqdefault.jpg' alt='60 Seconds Full Version' title='60 Seconds Full Version' />Acknowledgement. The following tutorial was inspired by and borrows heavily from Greg Kearsleys The. Theory Into Practice Database 1. Learning. Theory 1 Gagnes Conditions of. Learning Theory. A Description Although Gagnes theoretical framework covers many aspects of learning, the. Kearsley, 1. 99. 4a. Gagnes theory. is very prescriptive. In its original formulation, special attention was given to military. Gagne 1. 96. 2, as cited in Kearsley, 1. In this theory, five major types of learning levels are identified. The importance behind the above system of classification is that each learning level. Kearsley 1. 99. 4a i. TX6KEmJ9WA/hqdefault.jpg' alt='60 Seconds Full Version' title='60 Seconds Full Version' />Kearsley provides the. Gagne also contends that learning tasks for intellectual skills. Seconds, Youre Randall Raines and you must steal 10 cars to save your brother Kip Check out my version of Toy Story in 60 seconds Enjoy Applying Learning Theories to Online Instructional Design. By Peter J. Patsula, Sookmyung Womens University, Seoul. Introduction. The following tutorial. Music video by Thirty Seconds To Mars performing From Yesterday. Pre VEVO play counts 30,773,927. Virgin Records. 60 Seconds  Full VersionThe primary significance of this hierarchy is to provide direction. Kearsley 1. 99. 4a. This learning hierarchy also. Gagne outlines the following nine. Kearsley. gaining attention reception informing learners of the objective expectancy stimulating recall of prior learning retrieval presenting the stimulus selective perception providing learning guidance semantic encoding eliciting performance responding providing feedback reinforcement assessing performance retrieval enhancing retention and transfer generalization B Practical Application Gagnes nine instructional events and corresponding cognitive. Gagne, Briggs Wager, 1. Kearsley 1. 99. 4a. Learn how to make yourself a flea trap that can kill fleas in less than a minute. These traps are cheap to make and work extremely well. Moved Permanently. The document has moved here. In applying these. Kearsley 1. 99. 4a suggests keeping the following principles in mind. Learning hierarchies define a sequence of instruction. Cant sleep Try the 478 breathing technique that claims to help you nod off in 60 SECONDS. Method has been pioneered by Harvardtrained Dr Andrew Weil. Learning hierarchies define what intellectual skills are to be learned. Different instruction is required for different learning outcomes. EXAMPLE The following example applies Gagnes nine instructional events Instructional Objective Recognize an equilateral. UNy8arX0/hqdefault.jpg' alt='60 Seconds Full Version' title='60 Seconds Full Version' />Kearsley 1. Methodology Gain attention show a variety of computer. Identify objective pose question What is an. Recall prior learning review definitions of. Present stimulus give definition of equilateral. Guide learning show example of how to create. Elicit performance ask students to create 5. Provide feedback check all examples as. Assess performance provide scores and remediation Enhance retentiontransfer show pictures of. C Related Theories, Pedagogical Practices and. Practical Web Design Strategies Provide a variety of learning activities. Instructional designers should anticipate and accommodate alternate learning styles by. Sternberg 1. 99. 4, as cited in Ross Gordon 1. They should also provide alternate. Fahy 1. 99. 9, 2. Jonassen et al., 1. Use Blooms Taxonomy of Educational Objectives for. Cognitive Domain to increase retention. Blooms Taxonomy of. Educational Objectives for the Cognitive Domain 1. Fahy 1. 99. 9, 4. Gagnes hierarchy of intellectual skills. Bloom. outlines the following cognitive activities organized from least to greater complexity knowledge comprehension application analysis synthesis evaluation making judgementsIn the following example, Blooms taxonomy is used to. Fahy. 1. 99. 9, 4. Knowledge Know enough about nails to be able. Be able to recognize a nail as a. Comprehension Be able to identify a nail and. Application Be able to use a nail to fasten. Analysis Be able to determine what kind of. Synthesis Be able to compare nails to other. Evaluation Be able to assess examples of the. Learning Theory. 2 Bruners Constructivist. Theory. A Description. Bruners constructivist theory is based upon the study of cognition. A major theme in. Kearsely 1. 99. 4b. Cognitive structures are used to provide meaning and organization to experiences and. According to Bruner, the instructor should try and encourage students to construct. Kearsley. 1. 99. 4b. The instructors task is to translate information to be learned into a. Bruner 1. 96. 6, as cited in Kearsley 1. B Practical Application. Bruners constructivist theory can be applied to instruction, as Kearsley 1. Instruction must be concerned with the experiences and contexts that make the student. Instruction must be structured so that it can be easily grasped by the student spiral. Instruction should be designed to facilitate extrapolation and or fill in the gaps going. EXAMPLEThe following example is taken from Bruner 1. Kearsley 1. 99. 4b. The concept of prime numbers appears to be more readily grasped when the child. Such quantities have either to be laid out in a single file or. These patterns, the child learns, happen to be called prime. It is easy. for the child to go from this step to the recognition that a multiple table, so called, is. Here is factoring. Instructional Objective Recognize and define a prime number. Methodology Ask the student to get a handful of pennies, beans, or any other countable object. Show the students 6 pennies. Show that six pennies can be organized into two. Ask the student to count out 8 pennies and organize the pennies into as many. EQUAL groups as they can. Show answer. Ask the student to count out 1. EQUAL groups as they can. Show answer. Ask the student to count out 7 pennies and organize the pennies into as many. EQUAL groups as they can. Show answer. Ask the student to count out 1. EQUAL groups as they can. Show answer. State that 7 and 1. Ask the following questions What is a prime number What is the rule or. Explain the principle that when a certain number of. Show a selection of numbers or examples of different groups of coins. Ask the student to. Show answer. C Related Theories, Pedagogical Practices and Practical Web Design. Strategies Attract, hold and focus attention so students can learn. Patch Prince Of Persia The Forgotten Sands Ps3 here. Fahy 1. 99. 9, 5. To draw attention, use novelty, differences, motion. NOTE Merill cautions against the overuse of attention getting. Screen motion and animated movement are very. The program should therefore not require the. Fahy 1. 99. 9, 6. To increase attention and maintain learner focus. To sustain attention, maintain change and variety in. To focus attention, teach learners to interpret. To focus attention, use captions in pictures. Improve retention by sequencing screens. In designing materials of all kinds. Material presented together will be associated in the. Fahy 1. 99. 9, 7. Fahy believes that events ideas, words, concepts and stimuli in. Fahy. also advises that when sequencing consider that the first and last displays in any. Introductions and summaries are key learning. Provide structural cues to avoid information vertigo. Jones and Farquhar 1. They also advise that the consistent placement and style. Learning. Theory 3 Banduras Social Learning. Theory A Description. Banduras social learning theory emphasizes the importance of observing. Kearsley. 1. 99. 4c. It has been applied extensively to the understanding of aggression Bandura 1. Kearsley 1. 99. 4c and psychological disorders. Bandura states. Learning would be exceedingly laborious, not to mention hazardous, if people had to. Fortunately. most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling from observing others one. How Midnight Rider Victim Sarah Jones Lost Her Life A Train, a Narrow Trestle and 6. Seconds to Escape. The Feb. 2. 0 death of 2. Sarah. Jones on the set of Midnight Rider outside Doctortown, Ga., spread grief and anger through Hollywood. It has led to an industrywide reckoning on safety standards and inspired some Oscars attendees to wear black ribbons on their lapels in her memory. Many of the details of the accident remain murky and unknown. But now a THR reconstruction, based on an exclusive eyewitness account and interviews with Jones parents and others, reveals harrowing new details of what happened when a 2. Read THRs Exclusive Interview With The Parents of Sarah Jones. Joyce. Gilliard, a 4. Midnight Rider, an indie biopic about Gregg. Allman featuring William. Hurt as the 1. 97. Altamaha River in Wayne County, a wild, untamed land full of rivers, Spanish moss and gnats. As soon as I got to the location, I started to feel funny, she said during a series of interviews. It didnt feel right. I didnt feel safe there. The 1. Altamaha River, Wayne County, Ga. Jones, already known in the local production community as an indefatigable worker with a cheery disposition, apparently didnt reveal any concerns to co workers. But her father, Richard. Jones, says that in a phone conversation the night before she died, his daughter told him she was nervous about a few things. He says, She was a little bit surprised about it being low budget. She made a comment that some of the people asking her questions should have known more than her, and she thought that was odd. The day she died, says her father, was her first on the set. For the full, exclusive interview with Jones parents, click here. EARLIER Hundreds Mourn Sarah Jones at Emotional Memorial. As a barefoot Hurt paced, rehearsing his lines, Gilliard watched nervously. She was responsible for the actors hair, and as the wind picked up, she darted in and out of shots before retreating behind the cameras, where she traded small talk with Jones. As the day wore on, director Randall. Miller moved the shoot from the land beside the river onto the narrow gridwork of the trestle itself, which extends over the edge of the Altamaha. The trestles wood and metal bottom was covered with pebbles and had gaping holes in some places. The blustery wind rang through the girders, making it hard to stay steady, says Gilliard. From shore, several dozen yards away, a voice shouted to the crew that in the event a train appeared, everyone would have 6. Everybody on the crew was tripping over that, says Gilliard. A minute Are you serious By now, she and two other crewmembers were nervous enough that before shooting, they gathered in an informal prayer circle. Lord, please protect us on these tracks, murmured Gilliard. Surround us with your angels and help us, Lord. While Gilliard prayed, Jones helped load film, monitor the cameras and transport gear. A fresh faced South Carolinian with a passion for travel and books, Jones wasnt really the type to fret much. The crew was filming a dream sequence, and they had placed a twin size metal framed bed and mattress in the middle of the tracks. Then, Gilliard looked up and saw a light in the distance, followed by the immense howl of a locomotive. It was a train and it was hurtling toward them. VIDEO Midnight Rider Victim Sarah Jones Remembered on Oscars Broadcast. Two stories high, screaming with the sound of a blast horn and possibly brakes, the train was nearly as wide as the trestle. Gilliard says Miller yelled at everyone to run. Jones, several bags slung over each shoulder, shouted something about what to do with the expensive camera equipment. Drop it Gilliard and others yelled. Just drop itThe only viable escape route to the closest shore lay in running toward the approaching train, now traveling, by one estimate, at almost 6. Gilliard tried to make her way onto the metal gangplank parallel to the tracks. Miller and another crewmember began tugging at the bed, trying to remove it from the trains path, fearing it might cause a derailment. But as the train approached, Gilliard says, they abandoned their efforts. Hairstylist Joyce Gilliard, injured on the set of Midnight Rider, at her home. Photo credit Terry ManierBefore Gilliard knew it, the train was upon her. She found herself clinging to one of the girders. But the blast of pressure and wind from the trains passing ripped Gilliards left arm away from her body and straight into the train. It snapped like a stick. With one hand still on the girder, Gilliard looked down and saw bone sticking out of her sweater. And then she saw blood. She grabbed a sheet that had come loose from the mattress and wrapped her bleeding arm inside it. With the train howling past just inches behind her, Gilliard threw herself onto two metal wires that stretched between the girders and along the gangplank, thrust her head out over the river below and shut her eyes. I saw my life, my kids, my family, all of it before me, she says. I was sure I was going to die. PHOTOS Hollywoods Notable Deaths of 2. One of the first things she saw when she opened her eyes again was a lifeless Jones, her body and face mangled. Like Gilliard, Jones had tried to find shelter on the gangplank. But when the train hit the bed and mattress, it sent debris flying. Something may have hit Jones, possibly propelling her into the trains path. In the melee, Miller also fell on the tracks. A still photographer nearby managed to pull him away just in time. He was sobbing, Gilliard says, trying to cope with the disaster. Hurt also survived unscathed. The traumatized crew helped collect Jones body. A team of paramedics arrived within 2. Within an hour after the incident, Gilliard was airlifted to a Savannah hospital to be treated for a compound fracture in her arm and other injuries. Five other crewmembers also required medical care. A police investigation was opened, and federal officials soon were swarming the marshy countryside asking about permissions, permits, easements and the complex language of film contracts. Click above to enlarge image. The multiple investigations since have widened to include the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. Georgia law enforcement authorities are treating the investigation into Jones death as a negligent homicide, setting the stage for the biggest safety related scandal to rock Hollywood in at least a decade. The exact details of what precautions were or were not taken on the set that day and whether the production even had permission to film on the tracks are being sorted out. But in the days following the disaster, recriminations of shockingly lax safety protocols began to emerge. This was no accident, says Ray. Brown, president of the Motion Picture Studio Mechanics union local 4. Atlanta and a Jones colleague, suggesting the incident was avoidable. When I have done train work or around trains for smaller productions up to major blockbusters, there are always several railroad personnel there with their hard hats, glasses and radios, and I cant imagine a more structured safety protocol even beyond airlines than the rail system. STORY Vampire Diaries Pays Tribute to Midnight Rider Camera Assistant Sarah Jones Jones parents are reluctant to cast blame until investigations are complete. A shaken Miller called them after the incident to express his condolences.