Civilization 5 Patch Version 10.0

BNW 1. 0. 3. 276. Civilization V Brave New World Cheat. Brave New World teamv1. Trainer File Size 10. KB. Brave New World v1. Trainer. Civilization 5 8 trainer for PC and supports STEAM. Civilization 5 Trainer 1. DX9DX11. 3. Civilization 5 Trainer 10. DX9DX11. Civilization 5 QA. TakeTwo Interactive Software and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Sid Meiers Civilization IV, Civ, Civilization, 2K Games, the 2K logo. Game Release Date USA July92. Game Developer Firaxis. Game Publisher 2. K Games. Game Description Sid Meiers Civilization V Brave New World is the second expansion pack for Civilization V the critically acclaimed 2. PC Game of the Year. This new expansion provides enhanced depth and replayability through the introduction of international trade and a focus on culture and diplomacy. Your influence around the world will be impacted by creating Great Works, choosing an ideology for your people and proposing global resolutions in the World Congress. As you move through the ages of history you will make critical decisions that will impact your relationship with other civilizations. Sid Meiers Civilization V Brave New World also introduces nine new civilizations, eight new wonders, two new scenarios, four new gameplay systems and dozens of new units, buildings and improvements offering an expanded variety of ways to build the most powerful empire in the world. CS. RIN. RU Steam Underground Community. Civilization 5 Multiplayer. Hello my game version is 1. Civilization 5 Patch Version 10.0' title='Civilization 5 Patch Version 10.0' />Civilization 5 Patch Version 10.0Civilization 5 Patch Version 10.0News Civilization V Update Released. Change list Civ V Balance Patch. Updated November 1 1. FIXED BUGSMod Browser The Get Mods button is now hidden if the user has disabled the steam overlay. Civilizations and TraitsOttoman naval upkeep is now fixed. Save games that were started before the fix will not be corrected. German UA and Oligarchy social policy now work together correctly. City StatesMercantile CS now only get a unique luxury for their first city and not the cities they conquer. Unique luxury is removed upon capture players can no longer get it by taking over a CS. Unique luxury is given back upon liberation. Prevent double counting of resources when an improvement is gifted to a minor civ, then the minor civ techs up to activate the improvement. Free Desktop Weather Widget For Windows 7'>Free Desktop Weather Widget For Windows 7. DiplomacyResearch Agreement code was previously giving double credit to research overflows i. Now the credit toward a RA will be based on Science earned that turn. Corrected an issue that caused the AI to attempt coups too often, when chances of success were too low. Also implemented a new factor Attempting a coup in a location where there is no defending spy the current ally does not have a spy there is 2x as likely to work as it would if there was a spy there. Resurrecting a player will have both sides forget any denouncing that happened before resurrected. Dont treat player as a deal breaker just for going to war with a player again. ExploitsDo not let a player earn the 2 free techs from the Rationalism Finisher twice. Also removed the 1 Science from Libraries from that finisher. If you intentionally starve your city by reassigning all your citizens to be unemployed, you wont end up with more citizens than you have population. ReligionFix Found Religion screen so you cant find out about civs you havent met by mousing over the religion icons. Correct Peace Loving belief so it doesnt negate other happiness benefits from religion. Rebuild religious pressure in case it was corrupted in older save games. Clarify Interfaith Dialog so it mentions that Prophets earn you science too not just missionaries. ScenariosRemoved notifications that appear at the beginning of the Fall of Rome and Mongol scenarios about lacking the proper strategic resources. AIDutch now will build farms before polders are available. Do not allow Carthaginian units to spawn on mountains. Do not allow Carthaginian Workers to end turns on mountains. AI will now build more workboats and will improve oil plots in the water. Automated workers that dont have anything to do will not consume all their movement. Allow rush built units to trigger the operation they were built for to proceed into Gather Units phase. Fixed an issue where automated workers evaluated danger incorrectly and consequently behaved incorrectly. Fixed an issue where citizen management focus on Production and possibly others could lead to starvation. Clicking on an unemployed citizen to set them back to work does not unlock locked citizen assignment. The logic to recommend Artist improvement placement now does not count plots where improvements cant be placed, e. Add additional sanity checks for deceptive attacks. Previously, if an AI was choosing to deceptively attack, they would not check to determine if it was a good idea or not the moment before launching, which could result in dumb attacks. UnitsFix unit de selection so the mini map indicator clears. Better Next Unit selection. Previously, the camera would jump great distances to select the next unit that needs orders, when a closer unit was available. Unit cycling improvement when a unit is promoted, do NOT cycle immediately off that unit. Change minimum area size for all naval units to 1. That allows them to be built in the same cities as harbors, seaports and great admirals i. Fix advanced promotions for melee naval ships. Restore missing Cover 2 promotion entries so it is available to units again. Fix a hang if a melee unit advanced across the world wrap seam after a combat. Correct Great Admiral AI placement bug that prevented it from selecting a valid coastal city of yours. Unit list now re sorts itself correctly when a unit is promoted. Subs are no longer visible all the time in Hot Seat mode. Dont give GG points from Barbarian ranged attacks. Helicopters now take damage when ending their turn over mountains. Interception promotions now help the right unit had previously been reversed. Evasion promotion helps the right unit had previously been reversed. Two top of screen messages added to explain what is going on with intercepts one for if the attacking air unit is eliminated, and another if he is just damaged. Fixed a unit movement issue that broke melee attacking from more than one hex away. Janissary heals 5. Supply promotion now heals 1. HP outside friendly territory matching text was 2. HP. Added a check to make sure that after a city is disbanded ex. If not ex. naval units, then they are moved to the nearest valid plot. Fix for barbarians that would not move the turn after they spawned. Have Great Engineer pick both the wonder and the city it needs to be built in the bug was that the AI could repeatedly try to build a wonder in a city that it couldnt. Make sure Caravels and Destroyers always have the Withdraw before Melee promotion, even if you dont own DLC0. Barbarians should now spawn in their camp if it is empty of combat units instead of beside it. OptimizationMany performance improvements, particularly in the renderer. Pathfinder fixes and optimization. Text BugsFixed several text bugs. MiscFixed rare crashes that could occur depending on hardware. Only the alive civilization capitals are tested for majority religion in We are family achievement. Added missing Polish Dawn of Man audio. Advisors Messages concerning your people being unhappylivid now display correctly a bug was causing this to fire at the wrong time. Economic Overview Dont list diplomacy values as an expense and an income at the same time. Fix auto scrolling between turns. If a user was scrolling when a turn ended, or when combat ended, it would occasionally get stuck and continue scrolling. Fix unit de selection so the mini map indicator clears. BALANCEReduced Happiness a bit from Mercantile City States. You no longer get 1 bonus happiness going from Friends to Allies since you already get the luxuries then. And eliminated the 1 Happiness entering Industrial era. Ballistics now requires Railroads. This will force the AI to get railroads before getting too deep in the tree. Pillaging tiles now awards 2. Tweaks to culture border growth oShould get coastal resource tiles a bit sooner. Should mildly steer towards tiles that are near unclaimed resources. Should get resource tiles in rings 4 and 5 a bit sooner. Austrian UA balance changes oIncrease the cost of a City State by at least the amount of gold you will get from scrapping their units. Must be ally for 5 turns before you can undergo a diplomatic marriage with a City State. Yoink achievement is now As Austria, acquire a City State with 1. Met Art Series. Diplomatic Marriage. ReligionPilgrimage belief now gives 2 Faith per foreign city following this religion. Follower and Pantheon beliefs provide Local Happiness Founder beliefs provide Global HappinessFaith output per city is now listed in the economic overview general information panel.